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Sponsorship demonstrates your commitment to our mission, your community and the issues we raise.


The Women’s Symposium of Southern California (WSSC) is a non-profit 501(c)3 agency, and all donations are tax deductible.

You may visit our DONATE NOW tab, or mail a check to:

The Women’s Symposium of Southern California (WSSC)
1198 Pacific Coast Highway, Suite D-104
Seal Beach, CA 90740

All donations are tax deductible | Tax ID 81-3501443

The Women’s Symposium of Southern California (WSSC) improves the quality of life, financial independence, and confidence of women in Southern California by hosting and promoting an annual event that is accessible and comprehensive in financial planning resources and STEM field awareness.


The 4th Annual Southern California’s only grassroots Women’s Symposium,

takes on the mission of awareness for strengthening the quality of life, financial

independence, and confidence of women in our community. WSSC makes a

Difference in our Community using financial foundations, empowerment &

STEAM field awareness through dialogue and conversation at our annual event,

In Honor of International Women's Day.


WSSC offers a variety of sponsorable program areas and benefits to help you

accomplish your sponsorship objectives. We’re open to your creative ideas and suggestions for tying into Womens Symposium to help create your own unique experience for event

attendees. We are happy to accept contributions to our cause for any amount. With

your tax deductible contribution, we can continue making a difference in the lives of

women and families we serve. Please help us to help the women in the community.


Womens Symposium of Southern California (Federal Tax I.D. # 81-3501443) is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. All contributions are tax deductible & receipt will be provided.


Title Corporate Sponsor (Suggested amount: $10,000- $15,000)

Our Highest Visibility sponsorship. WSSC is seeking support to help cover the costs of the event venue. Your company name/logo will be incorporated into the event identity and within all symposium references including website, advertisements, press releases, signage, printed program, on-site emcees and more. We’ll work with you to customize your marketing and branding experience.

  • 1 year commitment -Name recognition & logo in Press, in event materials, social media and website

  • Introduced at event/Recognition from podium, as attending

  • Company logo on all WSSC event promotional items (attendee Tote Bag etc.)

  • Recognition in Printed Program & Advertisement space in event program– (Full Page/ full color)

  • Logo placement on banners, which serve as backdrop in all event press photo opportunities

  • Lunch & VIP Event Parking for two: Reserved seats & parking, both with signage

  • Educational Vendor Booth provided if desired

Purple Diamond Award Sponsor $5,000

For our inaugural 2020 award cycle, WSSC is seeking support to help cover the costs for the 1st annual award ceremony to take place March 6th 2020. This will help our associated costs for the custom award statuettes, promotional materials, and the Award implementation process & maintenance on our website. Your company name/logo will be incorporated into the award program identity.

  • Exclusive presenting sponsor- Opportunity to present the Purple Diamond Award at our event and help recognize an outstanding individual in our community that furthers the WSSC Mission

  • 1 year commitment -Name recognition & logo in Press, in event materials, social media and website

  • Recognition in Printed Program & Advertisement space in event program– (Full Page/ full color)

  • Lunch & VIP Event Parking for two: Reserved seats & parking, both with signage

Corporate Sponsors (Suggested amounts: $1,000- $5,000)

Have your Business affiliated with supporting Female STEAM field empowerment. Integration of Public-Private partnerships that promote industry engagement in Financial Literacy & STEAM advocacy for women is imperative. We’ll work with you to customize your marketing and branding experience. Corporate sponsors are not required to attend the event.

  • 1 year commitment -Name recognition & logo in Press, in event materials, social media and website

  • Logo Displayed overhead projector at live event ,Opportunity to be introduced as attending, Recognition form podium emcee

  • Event printed program– Contributed amount will correlate to either 1/4 page up to 1 page - full color space Available

  • Educational Vendor Booth provided if desired

Table Topic Featured Sponsorships ($1,000)- limited to 4 sponsors

Support One of Four 2020 WSSC themed Table Topic Symposium Discussions. Show your desire to connect and engage your support of Womens Empowerment through your business product or service. Table topics will be assigned in the order of registration and payment is received. Table topic sponsors are not required to attend the event.

  • Includes 2 Event Tickets: Use these tickets to treat your employees, colleagues, prospects, current clients, etc.

  • Name and Company Logo Highlighted signage for 30 minutes during Symposium table talk

  • Mentioned by our emcee twice for full exposure

  • Advertisement in Printed event program (Half Page / Full Color)

  • Social Media Posts prior to and after event for awareness and Website recognition for 1 year

Educational Vendor Booth ($600- Inside Main Event Room) ($500 -Foyer Area)

Highlight your business! Designed to provide attendees with useful information packed with tools & resources. Attendees are encouraged to learn and be empowered through interacting with vendor booth sponsors before the formal scheduled speakers begin, during breaks, and after the planned event agenda. A limited number of tables will be available, assigned in the order of payment received. Participation in this event would expose your business to a wide range of women from all industries and walks of life.


  • Educational booth: 1 lunch ticket included, additional lunch tickets available for the cost of $35 each

  • (1) 6 foot rectangular table (white tablecloth provided) & 2 chairs

  • 1 year commitment -Name recognition & logo in Press, in event materials, social media and website

  • Recognition in Printed Program guide & Advertisement space in event program (1/4 page/ full color)


© 2023 by Women's Wealth Symposium a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

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